Get a board resolution template sample to open a bank account and save as a . This corporate resolution form will often specify who may sign checks, borrow money or make banking decisions.How to fill out the Corporate Resolution for Banking Account Opening? 1. Enter the name of your company in the designated field. 2. Just fill in the information requested in the blanks, sign and date the resolution, and you should be able to open a bank account for your LLC, hassle-free. One area that can trip up a growing company is the question of who possesses the authority to bind a company through signing legal documents – and when. Also ensure that the Treasurer deposits all moneys in a timely manner and reconciles all bank accounts on a monthly basis. JEA is a community-owned electric, water and sewer utility located in Jacksonville, Florida dedicated to improving lives and building community. You moved out of this district before determination. That's the Travelers Promise.