Free template for a corporate resolution. Use our free form to formally document your corporation's resolutions to add to your corporate records.Each document on 360 Legal Forms is customized for your state. A corporate resolution is a document written during a board of directors meeting detailing a corporate action taken during the meeting. This Corporate Authorization Resolution file provides a detailed guide for completing the necessary form to authorize corporate transactions. One area that can trip up a growing company is the question of who possesses the authority to bind a company through signing legal documents – and when. Learn if a corporate resolution is needed for your LLC, how to fill out a corporate resolution form and more in this guide. Preparation of Initial Organizational Resolutions based on your preferences about the way you are going to run your company. The organizational resolutions complete the organization of the company. To file amendments for existing registrations, find and open the record through the "Search" tab in the Business Filing Services portal and request access.