What should corporate resolutions include? Learn if a corporate resolution is needed for your LLC, how to fill out a corporate resolution form and more in this guide.Everything you (and your business) need to know about Initial Corporate Resolutions, as well as a free template in order to complete yours properly. All you have to do is fill out our easy-to-understand questionnaire. Open any deposit or share account(s) in the name of the Proprietorship. A Director Resolution creates either the director's minutes or the director's resolution in lieu of meeting for any corporation or organization. You can use this form to document the authority to a person or persons within an established incorprated company to sell and. A corporate resolution is a legal document that outlines actions a board of directors will take on behalf of a corporation. Proper grantor and signatory, e.g. PA's new business regulations require a company to make corporate records available to all company owners.