My appearance has been entered as attorney of record in this case and notice has been served upon the District. Discovery Court Procedures.Discovery Motions are being held IN-PERSON, every Wednesday morning in Courtroom 704, 414 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, Pa 15219. The District Attorney's Office has the ability to provide discovery to the defendants' attorneys either as paper copies or electronically. Notice to Proceed—A written notice to the Contractor of the date on or before which he shall begin the prosecution of the work to be done under the Contract. Use Fill to complete blank online FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA pdf forms for free. We hope that you find this Handbook helpful, and that it provides some aid in protecting your rights behind bars. ACCOMPANYING EXHIBITS: • Exhibit A Declaration of Omeikiea Lorenzano of Angeion Group, LLC. • Exhibit B – Declaration of Lane L. Vines. Grapes, cherries, vegetables, and nursery production fills out production categories in the western part of the state.