1. All matters, other than uniform motion calendar hearings, shall be scheduled in accordance with the practices and procedures of each individual judge. Methods of discovery may be used in any sequence, and the fact that a party is conducting discovery shall not delay the other party's discovery.An online portal that allows you to view and download Discovery in your case so you can review the material received from the State. Family Law refers to case types such as adoption, divorce, name changes and paternity that are filed through the Clerk's Office. Discovery – forms 12.930 – 12.932 – Discovery is the part of the case that happens before the hearing where parties find out information about each other. Failure to file a motion to compel may result in a waiver of remedies otherwise available.163. Florida Rules of Civil Procedure - Motion to Compel Discovery - Circuit Court, Florida Broward County – 17th - Local and Federal Court Rules Made Easy. Few anticipated pretrial motions; iv. Limited need for discovery; v. Moving papers must be filed and served, along with a notice of hearing, a "reasonable time" before the time specified for hearing. Fla.