Standard Family Law Interrogatories for Original or Enforcement Proceedings. Form Number 12.930(b).Additional resources include a directory of local self-help centers. A certificate of service of the interrogatories must be filed, giving the date of service and the name of the party to whom they were directed. Family Court Records Request Form Downloads, Self Service Forms, E-Filing. Contact Information: Central Courthouse, Brenda D. Forman, Clerk of Court. (1) All Seventeenth Judicial Circuit and Broward County Judges are to strictly comply with the requirements of Florida Rule of General Practice and Judicial. The Form Catalog consists of Circuit, County Civil, Probate, Simplified Divorce, Tenant Eviction and Traffic, Felony and Misdemeanor form packages. Failure to complete form 1.977 as ordered may be considered contempt of court. It is designed to help busy lawyers and judges quickly access legal authority for the covered topics.