The notice and request must: (A) be in writing and be addressed: (i) to the individual defendant; or. Plaintiff is to provide answers to these Interrogatories, sworn to under oath, within 30 days after service of these Interrogatories.Form for Designating Compliance with the Student Practice Rule. Please efile a notice of hearing with the date filled in. A sample set of interrogatories that a judgment creditor can use to request information from a judgment debtor in post-judgment enforcement proceedings. Use this online tool from Lone Star Legal Aid to file an answer in a debt collection lawsuit in Justice court. Interrogatories in Aid of Execution are up to fifteen (15) written questions to the debtor about their assets and income. Rule. 7A:12(b) of the Rules of Supreme Court provides that requests for subpoenas duces tecum should be filed at least fifteen days prior to trial.