Click any of the Register for Alerts links, and you'll be taken to the Community Warning Systems registration site, hosted on the AtHoc Cloud. In the event of an immediate threat to your life, health, or safety, the county's Community Warning System will be activated.San Francisco County. The Customer Portal is an online service to report concerns or request services within unincorporated Contra Costa County. The Community Warning System (CWS) is the all-hazard public warning notification system for Contra Costa County. Get notified when there's an emergency in your community! Here are links you can use to sign up for text and phone alerts. Riders can plan, ride, and connect with AC Transit using our custom app with features like real-time arrival predictions, contactless mobile fare payment. (KRON) – Another Bay Area county is recommending people to mask up indoors. Communicate with Apple Push Notification service (APNs) and receive a unique device token that identifies your app.