On ______ at ______ AM PM, or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard, I shall appear before the. Honorable. Use this form to register for electronic notices: Cook County Attorney Code Request Form.The E-File Portal will allow users to electronically file many types of documents with our office without the need to travel to a courthouse. Start your Service of Process at the Clerk of the Circuit Court. The clerk has one office at every courthouse and multiple at the Richard J. Daley Center. By using the "serve only" feature, you allow the efiling system to generate the Notification of Service emails which are tracked. Step 1: Give your tenant a Notice and wait the amount of time stated in the Notice. You can find forms for notices on the Clerk's website. Many litigants also choose to bring any verification of service they have (i.e. If you fill out a form on a webpage, you will lose your progress.