Find the essential documentation and sample code for using local and push notifications in your iOS and Mac apps. Get our app to stream and download books, movies, TV shows, magazines, audiobooks and comic books.Take the library with you anywhere you go. Push user-facing notifications to the user's device from a server, or generate them locally from your app. There is no fee to sign up for this service, but your cell phone plan's regular text messaging rates still apply. The Push Notifications Console is the best way to quickly test user notifications in your app. Hassle Free Updates for your Phone or Inbox Staying in touch with City Hall is as simple as a few clicks. This article describes how to get set up to send push notifications from Iterable to your iOS apps. Follow these steps to start receiving text message reminders to renew or return your library materials BEFORE they are due. The bottom line is Watson will likely miss most if not all of the 2025 season.