Discovery is the process of gathering and exchanging evidence for a court case from the other side. The server also needs to state in his affidavit the complete address of service for the defendant.Rule 6.02 - Filing of Discovery and Related Materials. If other parties are to attend, their names should be included in the notice of intent to take oral deposition. The procedures to obtain discovery in Texas for an outofstate proceeding remain as generally discussed in the older article below. The Notice must give the witness at least twenty (20) days to complete their responses. The purpose of the discovery rules in Texas is to facilitate a costefficient transfer of information between opposing parties in a lawsuit. Use your standard subpoena form, pursuant to Tex. If you need more information than is available online, fill out the above form. The Instructions for Completing the Orders – currently under the Temporary Ex Parte Order form – apply to all orders, including the MOEP.