In Texas, both spouses (through their attorneys) must provide their initial disclosures to the other party within 30 days of entering into divorce proceedings. This Divorce Set Contains instructions and seven forms: an Affidavit of Indigency, an Original Petition for Divorce, a.This article offers information about the rules governing discovery in Texas. Watch our Video Podcast: Discovery in Divorce and Child Custody in Texas. Call Scroggins Law Group in Frisco, Dallas, and Plano (214) 469-3100. You must be sure to date and sign the certificate of mailing so you can prove what day the discovery was sent. This brochure is an introduction to represent- ing yourself (known as pro se representation) in a family lawsuit in Dallas County. In general, Texas has very few official legal forms. This is why you will not always find a free fill-in-the-blank form for your situation. Discovery must be completed 30 days before the first trial date.