This Order must be filed in the clerk's office at least 10 days before the court date and a copy delivered to Police Liaison. WHAT MOTIONS REQUIRE TWO-WEEKS NOTICE?All Motions for: • Summary Judgment. Discovery is a pre-trial procedure for obtaining information and evidence in a lawsuit. Virginia family law cases feature several forms of discovery. A party, upon reasonable notice to other parties and all persons affected thereby, may apply for an order compelling discovery. The Fairfax County Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court prescribes the following rules, which are necessary to promote proper order and decorum. Fill out the intake form and have your login credentials sent directly to your inbox. Notice of the appeal must be filed in the general district court where the case was heard within ten days after the judgment is entered. Every weekday that the court is open, litigants in Fairfax can appear before a calendar control judge to seek various types of relief.