The Marshal, Sheriff or Constable will deliver a Notice of Eviction to the tenant. The procedure for service of the papers to start a residential landlord-tenant proceeding is set forth below.Once a writ of possession is issued, an eviction must be requested within thirty (30) days of the date of service or a new dispossessory warrant must be filed. A copy of the Notice of Petition and Petition is served to the tenant. It must be served 10-17 days before the hearing. If the tenant moves out or pays prior to the actual eviction, the landlord or agent should notify the deputy as soon as possible. Bring any helpful documents such as your lease, any written notice from your Landlord, and any evidence of your counterclaims. The statement of claim should include the following: The complete name, address and phone number of the plaintiff (and attorney, if he or she has one). AVLF provides FREE legal assistance to qualified tenants facing eviction in Fulton County. The tenant will have seven days to respond with an Answer Form (tenant may use the Online Form Service to fill out).