Standard Family Law Interrogatories for Original or Enforcement Proceedings. Form Number 12.930(b).These are the forms that Clerk's office provides for Circuit Civil cases. If there is not enough room in a space or on a page to give a complete answer, attach additional pages so that a complete. A certificate of service of the interrogatories shall be filed, giving the date of service and the name of the party to whom they were directed. Interrogatories – written questions you send to the other party. A certificate of service of the interrogatories must be filed, giving the date of service and the name of the party to whom they were directed. Fla. A tool that can be used to question parties, witnesses, and nonparties, depositions are commonly used and are subject to potential abuse. This packet provides general guidance about asking written questions, called "Interrogatories," to another party in the case. Hillsborough County Sheriff Process Service Inquiry.