I am certified under order of Texas Supreme Court to serve process, including citations in Texas. I am not a party to or interested in the outcome of this suit.This is sometimes called "service of citation" or "service of process. " It is legal notice to the other side that you have filed your case. Service is "the formal delivery of a writ, summons, or other legal process or notice" according to Black's Law Dictionary. SERVICE TO BE ISSUED ON (Please List Exactly As The Name Appears In The Pleading To Be. Served):. On (Date) I filed (the "foregoing document" or Document Name) with the clerk of court for the U.S. District Court, Northern District of Texas. I declare under penalty of perjury that the information in this Certificate of Service is true and correct. The following forms are available for downloading, printing and completing. The Instructions for Completing the Orders – currently under the Temporary Ex Parte Order form – apply to all orders, including the MOEP.