Notice of Service of Answers To Standard Family Law Interrogatories. Form Number 12.930(d).A certificate of service of the interrogatories must be filed, giving the date of service and the name of the party to whom they were directed. A sample notice of serving interrogatories used to prove service of interrogatories in a Florida circuit court civil case. It is intended to be a quick reference for lawyers and judges on many recurring discovery problems. AND FILE FORM 12.930(d), NOTICE OF SERVICE OF ANSWERS TO INTERROGATORIES, WITH THE CLERK. I, {name of person answering interrogatories}. Submit the original answering papers to the court, with affidavits of service attached. A sample notice of serving interrogatories used to prove service of interrogatories in a Florida circuit court civil case. A Practice Note discussing how to draft and serve a response to interrogatories in a Florida circuit court civil case.