The Apache Kafka Consumer connector instance enables you to create events from messages collected from the Apache Kafka topic as a JSON payload. More than 300 microservices at Uber are leveraging Kafka for pubsub message queueing between microservices.This reference guide demonstrates how your Quarkus application can utilize Quarkus Messaging to interact with Apache Kafka. Kafka Connect is a tool for scalably and reliably streaming data between Apache Kafka® and other data systems. I am trying to understand how Kafka can be used for real time notification. Let's say I have a kafka topic for alerting purposes. Kafka is a distributed system consisting of servers and clients that communicate via a highperformance TCP network protocol. In this tutorial, you'll delve into the mechanics of Kafka and then integrate it with Go to develop a realtime notification system. The SWAN team works on building out the scalable distributed systems for processing media that is core to our products. Historically, Chicago has hired head coaches from the ranks of assistants.