The court, on a showing of good cause, or upon agreement of the parties, may allow service of additional interrogatories. A Practice Note discussing the structure and content of interrogatories under Massachusetts Rule of Civil Procedure 33.A sentence was added to Rule 5(a) to refer to Rule 7(a) of the Mass. REF regarding the requirements of service of electronically filed documents on all parties. Interrogatories must be served on the party from whom responses are sought and all other parties who have appeared in the action. After multiple hearings on the motion, the parties conferred and relator agreed to amend Interrogatory No. 15, which it served to Janssen on. To learn more, see Court Service Center. Interrogatories must be served on the party from whom responses are sought and all other parties who have appeared in the action. How to send Discovery requests to the Plaintiff ; 1. Fill out the form(s).