Steps to Register : 1. Enter your email address and retype it under Confirm Email. 2.The Notification Service will be responsible for sending emails and push notifications in real-time whenever there is a status update for a delivery. I am trying to understand how Kafka can be used for real time notification. Let's say I have a kafka topic for alerting purposes. In this tutorial, you'll delve into the mechanics of Kafka and then integrate it with Go to develop a realtime notification system. This stepbystep guide will help you set up a messaging feature using Apache Kafka for your Spring Boot microservice application. You can voluntarily go and pick up the papers if you wish to do so, but you are under no legal obligation to do so. Subtask 2 in the original task assignment was specified to complete a site investigation. It can be thought of as a message or a piece of data representing a change or an action.