A certificate of service of the interrogatories must be filed, giving the date of service and the name of the party to whom they were directed. Fla. Standard Family Law Interrogatories for Original or Enforcement Proceedings.Form Number 12.930(b). As a matter of law, your attorney was required to file a certificate of service of the responses served on the opposing counsel. 1. Please state the name and address of the person answering these interrogatories and that person's relationship to the Plaintiff, Well's Fargo Bank, NA. A sample notice of serving interrogatories used to prove service of interrogatories in a Florida circuit court civil case. Interrogatory answers are due 30 days after service. Fla. A sample notice of serving interrogatories used to prove service of interrogatories in a Florida circuit court civil case. Service of the motion as computed in the Fla. IN THE COUNTY COURT IN AND FOR MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. DIVISION.