Michigan Legal Help has tools to fill many kinds of forms but we do not cover all areas. You may have a blank form that you need to fill out on your own.This includes filling out the Defendant's name, and the date, time, and address or place of service. JUDICIAL CIRCUIT - FAMILY DIVISION. COUNTY. Pdf and print it out. NOTICE TO THE DEFENDANT: In the name of the people of the State of Michigan you are notified: 1. You are being sued. 2. The attorney must serve a copy of the objection and notice of hearing on the other party and their attorney, if any, and file a proof of service with the Court. The Clerk's office located at Coleman A. Young Municipal Center is open for in-person filings for Family Domestic on Mondays and Thursdays ONLY. The Montcalm County Friend of the Court has provided a majority of these forms for your convenience.