Use this form to give notice to a tenant when you want to start eviction proceedings against a tenant to recover possession of real property. Send a clear written notice; Fill out the forms; Serve the tenant; Attend the trial; Wait for judgment.A Michigan eviction notice is a document used to inform a tenant that they are in violation of the terms of their lease. If a tenant fails to keep up on rent payments, a landlord must provide the tenant with a notice, also known as a 7-day Notice to Pay or Quit. Michigan Legal Help has tools to fill many kinds of forms but we do not cover all areas. You may have a blank form that you need to fill out on your own. You may click on the notice type to bring up that form. If the tenant doesn't move out after the 7 days have passed, a landlor can proceed with the eviction process without need of a further legal notice. Attachments to the complaint are the lease agreement and a copy of the notice to quit and proof of service for that notice to quit. Three copies of the Notice to Quit with the proof of service section filled out and signed.