If this form is to be filed for an appeal, indicate the status of the party in the court of original instance and his, her, or its status in this court, if any. END DATE OF ALL DISCOVERY: All discovery shall be completed by: .Creating a good "Discovery Plan" should be part of every case opened in your office. We recently added a new product discovery document to our planning process. We call it the Discovery Brief. Invite your team or community to share their innovative ideas using our New Product Proposal Form! Use this free template to crowdsource creative brilliance. Learn about NICE Investigate and receiving case information from the Nassau County District Attorney's Office through our Investigate Download Portal. This guide will check out the top 12 product discovery templates tailored to user research, problem mapping, and idea validation needs. Defendant may file and serve a notice in the form specified in Form G16 to request that the claim be recorded as satisfied.