This packet provides general guidance about requesting documents from another party in the case. Parties may obtain discovery regarding any nonprivileged matter that is relevant to any party's claims or defenses and proportional to the needs of the case.Learn what to do if you have received written discovery requests from the other side. Figure out the due date. When the Court approves a Discovery Plan and Scheduling Order, it will set the date for exchanging Initial Disclosures. Learn what information you must give to the other side at the very start of the case and what information the other side must give to you. These rules govern all criminal actions in the district courts of the State of Nevada. The purpose of these criminal rules is to provide uniformity in practice. A statement of demand from the association sets forth the current outstanding assessments, fees and unpaid obligations, including foreclosure fees and. The purpose of discovery is to make sure that you and the other party have the same information that will be presented to the judge.