To find Affidavits of Service go to Forms, visit a Court Help Center or ask the Court for one, most Courts will have this. The affidavit of service must state the date, place, and time when the papers were served, and include a description of the person served.You must sign your discovery requests and responses and include your name, address, phone number, and email address (if available). Intheblanks form required for any matter originating and electronically filed in Supreme or Surrogate's Courts in Richmond County. Process should be brought to the Customer Service Counter located on the 6th Floor or through the Department of State's Electronic Service of Process system. Use this template as a guide to draft a certificate that states discovery documents have properly been served on parties to litigation. (B) Certificate of Service. The numbers on these instructions correspond with the numbers in the boxes on the form. Once a recipient replies to the email they are sent a follow-up email containing a link to access a document that leads the user to a malicious website. You may be able to use those documents as evidence at trial.