They use the Separation of Employment Notification (Form NCSEP) to notify the Department if the employee is no longer employed. NCDOL requires all businesses in North Carolina to post a copy of the Wage and Hour Notice to Employees and the OSH Notice to Employees.The short answer is yes. In NC, they can include a notice period in your contract. Looking for local rules and forms? SB 208 also requires employers to provide employees with written notice "at least one pay period prior to any changes in promised wages. Notify its employees, in writing at the time of hiring, of the promised wages and the day and place for payment. The term "employment-at-will" simply means that unless there is a specific law to protect employees or there is an employment contract providing. 430 N. Salisbury St. 6400 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27603-1362. How to Fill out the Name When Filing.