You must complete discovery 30 days before your trial. Discovery is how you gather the evidence you will need to prove your case as plaintiff, or defeat the plaintiff's case as a defendant.This guide contains forms and instructions for responding to Requests for Production from your opponent in a California civil case. Discovery Motions – must be heard on or before the 15th day prior to the initial trial date. All you need to do is tell your judge what you need and ask them to order the opposing party to provide it within a set number of days. A party has 30 days to respond to written discovery. The Express carries public notice advertising and is published each business day. The information on this site may be changed without notice, and is not guaranteed to be complete, accurate, correct, or uptodate. (This device is also referred to as a "notice of discovery and inspection"). Legal News operates nine newspapers to provide up to date legal news and up to the hour Public Notices for Michigan Lawyers.