When you start a court case, you have to let the other side know. In early 2019, Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law three bills affecting discovery procedures in the California courts.This guide contains forms and instructions for propounding Requests for Production on your opponent in a California civil case. Any case for which all parties do not consent will be reassigned to a District Judge in the San Francisco, Oakland, or San Jose division. In California, if a nonparty does not possess any responsive documents, then the nonparty must provide an affidavit stating that fact. Cal. In part one of this twopart series, we address the first 10 of 20 questions that arise frequently related to nonparty discovery. A trick attorneys will do, as they are only allowed to depose a party once without court permission, is to keep the deposition open. A nonparty may not simply ignore the deposition subpoena if it has no responsive documents. Allowed in the courtroom without the express permission of the court. But notice should not be delayed unduly after certification in the hope of settlement.