In this tutorial, you'll delve into the mechanics of Kafka and then integrate it with Go to develop a realtime notification system. For more information on enabling Kafka notifications, see Configure Kafka Connectors.The new consumer brings a number of benefits to the Kafka community including a cleaner API, better security, and reduced dependencies. In this guide, we'll provide a step-by-step tutorial on integrating Kafka in a Spring Boot application, complete with detailed code samples and explanations. In SolarWinds Observability SaaS, click Add Data at the top. Updates have been made to Distributed Message Service (DMS) for Kafka for better use and overall management of the service. Apache Kafka is a publishsubscribe messaging system. A messaging system let you send messages between processes, applications, and servers. This stepbystep guide will help you set up a messaging feature using Apache Kafka for your Spring Boot microservice application. A "Kafka to SPARQL gateway" standalone piece of software enabling end-to-end Semantic Web data flow architecture with a Semantic Service Bus (SSB) approach.