To find Affidavits of Service go to Forms, visit a Court Help Center or ask the Court for one, most Courts will have this. List each document that you served.If you need more space, check the box in item 4, complete the Attachment to. Intheblanks form required for any matter originating and electronically filed in Supreme or Surrogate's Courts in Richmond County. Whenever you're filing a document or serving a document on other parties in a litigation you're always gonna want to use a proof of service. After they get a copy, the server fills out the Proof of Service on the last page of the original Subpoena form. Schedule of Assets (form FL-142); A proof of service also needs to be filled out and filed with the court (form FL-141). Discovery in civil cases. Discovery allows you to get information and evidence from the other party or other persons you can use in your lawsuit. Complete the top part only of Special Civil Part Summons (Form B in the Kit).