To avoid a nonparty's production of documents without deposition, the party must actually file an "objection. -Discovery simply is asking for more information from you.This type of request is a general document and its form is not tailored to individual clients. Rule 3.220 - DISCOVERY (a) Notice of Discovery. This is the formal process of exchanging information between the parties about the witnesses and evidence they ll present at trial. Florida Rules of Civil Procedure - Motion to Compel Discovery - Circuit Court, Florida Palm Beach County – 15th - Local and Federal Court Rules Made Easy. Both terms mean you do not have a lawyer and are choosing to represent yourself in a legal proceeding. An introduction to rule 3.220(d) is added to reflect the change in nomenclature from "demand for discovery" to "notice of discovery. " Rule 3.220(h)(l)(iii). DISCOVERY. (a) Notice of Discovery.