There are very specific rules and procedures for filing and serving court paperwork, which are strictly enforced. Form Interrogatories are a list of questions on a court form.This packet provides general guidance about asking written questions to another party in the case. This guide contains forms and instructions for responding to interrogatories (either form or special) from your opponent in a California civil case. Except as otherwise provided in this Rule or in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, L.R. 230 shall apply to motions for new trial. A party may serve on any other party no more than 25 written interrogatories, including all discrete subparts. A party propounding interrogatories shall number each set of interrogatories consecutively. Learning how to navigate the federal discovery process is the single most important part of handling a federal case. CA Federal District Court Forms. Defendant Relies on Inapposite Legal Authority Interpreting the Federal Rules in Arguing Against Asking for a Legal Conclusion in an RFA.!