You complete a Certificate of Service or Proof of Service form that describes how and when you served the papers. A party may serve on any other party a request to admit the truth of any discoverable matter stated in the request, including the genuineness of any document.Our Salt Lake City process servers specialize in preparation and service of subpoenas, notices, writs, and all other legal documents throughout Utah. Please call us at 801-392-9400 to learn more about pricing or ask any questions about process serving. Please fill out the contact form below and a representative from TD's Legal Process will be with you as quickly as possible. Discovery requests (interrogatories, requests for production, or requests for admission) and responses are not filed with the court at the time they are served. Salt Lake City Utah process service, we serve all legal papers, routine or rush service available, our process servers are experts, call now! Processing tips for Civil Processes. Salt Lake City, UT 84101. Include with the packet a check made out to the Garnishee in the amount required.