It helps if you fill in the top part of the form with the case and court information. RULE 1411 - ORDINARY ATTORNEY SERVICE FEES (FORMER RULE 1415,.Do Not File Interrogatories or Responses. A party may serve on any other party no more than 25 written interrogatories, including all discrete subparts. Form Interrogatories are a list of questions on a court form. No later than two calendar days before the hearing, the moving party is required to file a notice in the Department, with service on all. This packet provides general guidance about asking written questions, called "Interrogatories," to another party in the case. File Complaint and initiate Lawsuit – Serve Filed Complaint on Defendant – the civil law time limit is sixty (60) days after filing. Nevertheless, Form Interrogatories can still be deemed to violate a privilege or privacy right. Form Interrogatories may even be irrelevant to a case.