Click below to start preparing your legal forms. You will be asked to register an account – If you do not register, your work will NOT be saved!Form FAQs: How do I know what form to use? How do I tell the Court that my address has changed? You can search for a listing and status of active and closed Code Enforcement cases for the past two years with the following methods. Upon receipt, the individual has 20 days to complete, sign, and return the notice and acknowledgement. Landlords may submit a Notice to Terminate Tenancy with Just Cause using our simple online form to the Housing Department's Rent Stabilization Program. When the Civil Lawsuit Notice is served, it must reflect the most up-to-date information available concerning the date, time and location of the next CMC. Once completed, note the SST number and come into our office to finish the process. When do I need to fill out and return my Medi-Cal renewal packet?