This meetup is for your fellow event streaming enthusiasts! The topics discussed at our events are all about event streaming.Watch the recorded sessions from the biggest event in data streaming and start imagining the amazing things you'll bring to the world at Current 2025. To handle real-time big data, you need to solve two difficult problems: how do you ingest that much data and how will you process that much data? Cisco NDFC Notification Service utilizes an Apache Kafka Producer to publish a stream of notifications to a Kafka topic. By clicking "Submit" you agree to receive occasional marketing emails from Confluent. I am trying to understand how Kafka can be used for real time notification. Let's say I have a kafka topic for alerting purposes. In this tutorial, you'll delve into the mechanics of Kafka and then integrate it with Go to develop a realtime notification system. I dove into Docker and Kubernetes with DockerCon2018 visiting San Francisco.