Parties are referred to and shall also comply with all requirements and conditions for electronic filing and service as set forth in Code. Online forms can be completed and submitted using our self-service portal.When the Civil Lawsuit Notice is served, it must reflect the most up-to-date information available concerning the date, time and location of the next CMC. The Santa Clara Weekly is an adjudicated newspaper of general circulation and can publish legal notices within the County of Santa Clara and its cities. The County of Santa Clara Sheriff's Office can attempt to serve a variety of Restraining Orders on your behalf. Most of which can be done free of charge. I received Jury summons for Santa Clara superior court few days ago. I thought only citizens received and were required to present themselves for Jury duty. EFileCA now offers an electronic redaction service in the following courts: Mendocino, Merced, Stanislaus, and Yolo. To update the mailing address for your property fill out the Address Change application.