I certify that a true and correct copy of the : has been delivered to all opposing parties on record in accordance with the Texas Rule of Civil. If you and the opposing side are both ECF users, the ECF system will complete the service for you, and a Certificate of Service is not required.Certificate of Service. This procedural guide covers generally applicable rules of motion practice in the Tarrant County Superior Court. Service is "the formal delivery of a writ, summons, or other legal process or notice" according to Black's Law Dictionary. (2) Form and Service. You will need to fill out and sign the document and then follow the procedure the county requires for submitting a subpoena request. You can also contact one of the courts listed below to verify you are filing in the correct court. Justice of the Peace Court – Precinct 1. Comcast supports the comments of the Department of Public Service ("Department") in a number of respects.