Notice shall be in writing and shall be provided in the manner that is most likely to provide actual notice of the objection. A person who receives interrogatories has 30 days to respond in writing.You must answer each interrogatory separately and fully in writing under oath. A plaintiff must list all related cases in the Civil Cover Sheet. (1) Unless an action is listed as related in the Civil Cover Sheet, a party must file a Notice. This article explains how you can force people to give you information in your divorce or family law case. This subject is called "discovery". Discovery allows all parties to have (somewhat) equal knowledge of the facts of the case so that each party can evaluate strengths and weaknesses. In the months before trial, in a process called "discovery," all parties in a court case try to find out the facts central to the case. If you feel confident that the opposing party is unlikely to cooperate with discovery, you could file a motion to compel now.