To find Affidavits of Service go to Forms, visit a Court Help Center or ask the Court for one, most Courts will have this. Delivering legal papers is called "service of process".The law says that legal papers have to be "served" (delivered) the right way. Please enter the identifying information for the case. If eligible to request discovery, use the Discovery Request Form to make the request. You must produce the documents in the form in which they are ordinarily maintained, or in reasonable usable form, unless otherwise specified in the request. If this is a post-decree modification or paternity action, STOP HERE and complete the signature, attachment, and certificate of service sections on Page 4. Sign the Certificate of Mailing at the bottom of this copy and eFile it as your proof of service. The Certificate of Service for all pleadings filed after the initial pleading must state the name and address of each counsel or party served. This is a 'fillable' form.