In a concise manner, mention and thank the individuals that provided educational, moral and financial support. An acknowledgement for a college project is similar to an acknowledgement for assignment.An acknowledgement is a write-up that expresses gratitude to all the people who are directly or indirectly involved in helping you complete your assignment. Fill out your course selection sheet (see below) before your registration date. Example: "I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my teacher, Mrs. Sharma, for her invaluable guidance throughout this project. Grant recipients are required to acknowledge the County's support in all online and print materials related to the funded organization, program, or project. Records Retention maintains and monitors all new and revised district forms used within the School Board of Broward County. It is standard practice for the Broward MPO to assess the public participation techniques used in all projects and initiatives. Learn how to write an acknowledgment for a college project, expressing gratitude for support, guidance, and resources.