In addition to this form, all 11th and 12th grade students must also complete the FERPA Opt-Out Notification Form provided in the Code of Student Conduct. How to fill out the Broward County Project Approval Form?1. Identify the requesting organization and date. 2. This form is for new, returning, or continuing students who wish to declare initial Florida Residency classification or reclassification. Grant recipients are required to acknowledge the County's support in all online and print materials related to the funded organization, program, or project. Return this form to school within 3 days from the first day of school or from the date of enrollment. Handbook. Please take a moment to review the 2024-25 Edventure Handbook and complete the Acknowledgment Form below: 2024-25 Edventure Handbook. You must complete steps 1 through 3 when filling out the form before efiling. 1. Right click on the applicable form. Broward County is not accepting attachments for this recruitment, including resumes or similar supporting documentation.