Remember: people will read this, so make it good. In a concise manner, mention and thank the individuals that provided educational, moral and financial support.In the acknowledgements sections, the authors could write: "The authors would like to thank F'x for providing us with Figure X". My acknowledgment follows a similarly simple route, as I spell out in detail the reasons I am thanking Tiffany and the Book In A Box team. Discover practical tips for writing book acknowledgements and expressing gratitude to those who contributed to your writing journey. An acknowledgement page in novels usually appears in the end, rather than the beginning as you would see in scientific writings. The back of the book has three pages of thank yous, including to you, readers, who love and spread the word about the books you love. Acknowledgments and jurats are different notarizations with different purposes, each requires its own certificate wording. Click to have fun at a Book Birthday Bash! Are you an author with a book coming out soon?