The meaning of ACCOLADE is a mark of acknowledgment : award. How to use accolade in a sentence.Acknowledgement without the accolades… still I celebrate 'cause any day could be the last time I hear this record play. The test should be used in the context for which it was developed: as one of the three roadside tests that make up the standardized field sobriety test (SFST). Being recognized or winning an award is a deep affirmation of one's efforts, values, and impact. Many awards that appear as acronyms need to be spelled out, especially if they are unique to your school or your state. These 8 steps will help leaders build greater psychological safety in the workplace, so their teams are more successful and engaged. It is to acknowledge a students achievement. Many children work hard, but don't get praise for it. OSA in antiquity to 20th Century. 5.