Acknowledgement is a vital component of any geography project, as it demonstrates respect and appreciation for individuals who have contributed to the work. Many regionally important assets and services are located in the Contra Costa.Each High School includes ROP in the Course Catalog. â–» The county's scenic landscapes and unique natural features are preserved. â–» Focused and ambitious actions are taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,. Firstly, I would like to thank my geography teacher for providing me with the guidance and support that were needed to excel in this project. West Contra Costa Unified School District faces all of the challenges and dilemmas of urban school districts in California, and more. Participants in the ERF project will be entered into the Contra Costa County Coordinated Entry. System. The employee must have been employed full-time in the Contra. Costa Community College District for at least ten (10) years in a faculty position. 14.1.4.