My acknowledgment follows a similarly simple route, as I spell out in detail the reasons I am thanking Tiffany and the Book In A Box team. Discover practical tips for writing book acknowledgements and expressing gratitude to those who contributed to your writing journey.Remember: people will read this, so make it good. The acknowledgments page usually appears right before or after the table of contents or at the end of the book just before the author page. Book acknowledgements are your way to connect with readers and name the people who were instrumental in getting your book written. A book acknowledgment is a page or section of the book that allows authors to thank everyone who has helped them complete the book. Acknowledge those who helped you write the book: editors, contributing authors, sources, experts. Acknowledgements in a book allow an author to thank all of the people involved or who helped the author in writing and publishing the book. Please download the instructions on how to complete the Acknowledgment of Receipt Form. The Acknowledgments section is where you recognize and thank everyone who helped you with your book.