The dissertation acknowledgements are where you thank the people who helped you during your thesis and dissertation process. This guide will provide general advice on how to prepare the Acknowledgements section for dissertations and journal manuscripts.In this article, we share 10 useful tips to assist you in the process of the dissertation acknowledgement section, using examples. Dissertation acknowledgments are a brief statement of your gratitude to advisors, professors, peers, family, and friends for their help and expertise. First, I thank my research advisor, Geoff Blake, for providing an environment in which I could thrive as an independent researcher. Acknowledgements. The writing of this dissertation has been an amazing journey that has taken me across three continents and six countries. The Acknowledgements are the one place where the author(s) can have a bit of fun, with inside jokes and sometimes rather snarky comments. I wish to sincerely thank Dr Eleanor Bruce as my PhD supervisor, mentor and friend. Learn how to write the perfect acknowledgements section for your dissertation, thesis or research project. Thesis Paper Acknowledgement Sample - Free download as PDF File (.