This guide will provide general advice on how to prepare the Acknowledgements section for dissertations and journal manuscripts. Acknowledgement sample for a research paper.Please specify what to write ie names of people.. etc.. better yet, give me an example of an acknowledgment please. I wish to thank my agent, Deborah Harris, who is not only an excellent agent but has also become a true friend. I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all those who provided me the possibility to complete this report. Acknowledgements. The writing of this dissertation has been an amazing journey that has taken me across three continents and six countries. On the _______day of ______ in the year_____, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared. Here's a sample message: Good morning, Email received. According to one source, the Acknowledgements section of a Ph.D. dissertation is the most widely read section. An Acknowledgment of Paternity (AOP) is a legal document that allows parents who aren't married to establish legal paternity.