When submitting your project, it's customary to express acknowledgment to those who contributed directly or indirectly to its completion. An acknowledgement is a write-up that expresses gratitude to all the people who are directly or indirectly involved in helping you complete your assignment.An acknowledgment for a thesis is a short section within the thesis that recognizes the people who supported its author through their work. Worksheet: Acknowledgment and Response Outline. Please fill out the following outline while you are watching the videos, and bring a copy to class. Supervisor, Dr. Vu Trieu Minh for his continuous support and guidance. Supervisor, Dr. Vu Trieu Minh for his continuous support and guidance. Iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost, praises and thanks to the God, the Almighty,. I thank God Almighty the sustainer who has sustained me through my undergraduate program and continues to sustain me beyond. Lastly, my peers' encouragement and the intellectual environment at the university have been vital in completing my research.